Tuesday, December 11, 2007

KrampusKard series1 for sale

be good and buy 10 kards for the price of 10 cards and 10 envelopes. all for $19.99. Go to krampuskards.com and take a chance on some old world folklore done up new.

KrampusKard '06

KrampusKard '05

Like the previous year's design, this is the cute design that I will revisit on occasion. Not so scary.

Friday, November 16, 2007

KrampusKard '04

My first Krampus Kard won an award for excellence in graphic design from PRINT's Regional Annual. I will post it her for you to see. Eventually, if enough people like it, I will re-release it for human consumption. Here it is in it's original format. the future product will be less personalized for his and her pleasure. enjoy. or not.