So, I'm celebrating the Christmas season with my wife, her parents and her Uncle Bob. Great guy. Gets really thoughtful gifts. So, knowing that I appreciate this European story of the Krampus and all things related to the BAD side of Santa, Bob the Uncle has given me this 22 oz. bottle of Imperial Helles Lager from Southern Tier Brewery. This combines 2 of my favorites things: Beer and Krampus. So, of course, he gets me a bottle since I make and send out these Krampus Kards every year. It helps that I like micro-brew beers and most European-style brewing. I am looking forward to trying this out, but I feel compelled to share it with Bob the Uncle and my Father-in-Law. We all enjoy all sorts of brew. Funny things is, it would be naughty of me if I didn't. Which would make sense considering the theme...
stay tuned...
Check out the zoom of the beer label here. Enjoy responsively.
Now that's pretty cool. Its also pretty cool to have great inlaws. Tell them all I said hello and Merry Christmas...